Free Market News

Listen to Those Who Have Suffered Under Socialism, Not to Those Who Romanticize It.


Even though Socialism and Communism have failed again and again, and have resulted in millions of deaths, those far removed from it still blindly believe in something that is devastating to those who have lived it. In comment sections of videos and articles, supporters will try to point out minor faults in any media which is critical of Socialism. As if economies and cultures could be explained completely within 5 minute videos. None of them are perfect; not the pro-free market videos, nor the pro-socialism videos. ‘Not seeing the forest for the trees’ is an understatement. Defenders of such failed systems are always trying to point out minor errors in a video or article instead of defending their core positions. This is because there is no defense. Facts matter. This article provides some great insight into those who have suffered greatly over failed ideologies.